Hi, Fly Guy...'A fly was flying. He was looking for something to eat. Something tasty. Something slimy. A boy was walking. He was looking for something to catch. Something smart. Something for The Amazing Pet Show.' The boy and fly meet and so begins a beautiful friendship. Er, and so begins a very funny friendship. Using hyperbole, puns, slapstick, and silly drawings, bestselling author/illustrator Tedd Arnold creates an easy reader that is full of fun. With an eye-catching holographic cover. This is the first in a series of four.... Click here or on the image for details | 
| The New York Times Crosswords for Your Lunch Hour...This collection of easy-to-solve, fast-to-finish puzzles is especially designed for solvers on the go. These quick, fun crosswords allow fans to puzzle wherever and whenever there's a moment to spare.... Click here or on the image for details | 